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What's on your mind


Directed by: TBD

Runtime: 60 min

Year: 2021

Country: USA

Rated: Not Rated

Language: English

Film Type: Short Film Program

Join Mental Healthy Utah for a deeper dive into mental health and filmmaking after each short film.

Mental Healthy Utah Presents:

What’s On Your Mind? Ending Stigma In Mental Health

This showcase of short films and post-film discussions are brought to you as part of See It This Way and is intended to highlight May as Mental Health Awareness Month.

Featured short films:

Welcome Mental Health

An important discussion with refugee youth in Utah. Hear first-hand experiences from Salt Lake City’s newest neighbors and how mental health practices have become a welcome exploration as they make Utah their home.

See Yourself – Surviving Body Dysmorphia

Lend an ear and a few moments to Wendy and Valerie to hear their stories. While Alexander helps us see and feel what Body Dysmorphic Disorder might be like.

A Day in the Life of Mental Health

How do we get through? A day at a time just like everybody else. Thanks to Alliance House, we tag along with Brady, Jami, and Richard to find inspiration in our days.

Doing This Helps That

12 snippets of recovery and how they got there.

About Mental Healthy: Our Vision. Mental Healthy helps communities and individuals visualize turning points by bringing our shadows into the spotlight through education, entertainment and impact.


Thursday, May 20 @ 7:00 PM

Live Stream


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