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Utah Film Center Media Education Begins To Go Statewide

Great news… Utah Film Center is now officially a POPS organization, which for us means road trip!

For those unfamiliar: POPS connects professional arts organizations’ education programs with schools, teachers, and administrators across the state. Our unified goal is to provide critical arts learning experiences with professional artists for students and teachers, an effort that supports the state’s core arts standards and presents equalized arts education opportunities to all Utah schools.

Needless to say, Utah Film Center is really excited about this opportunity! With this legislative funding, we are expanding, and offering our digital media arts programming for free statewide in the coming years.

So what do we have scheduled for 2017-18? This year we are psyched to bring Filmmaking In The Classroom, Film Spark, Tumbleweeds Film Festival Field Trips, as well as our Behind the Animation and Real to Reel presentations to your district.

Click here for more information, dates, and ways to sign up for all of our upcoming Media Education programming. We look forward to bringing some film magic your way for the 2017-18 school year!
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