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The Body Politic

Directed by Gabriel Francis Paz Goodenough

90 MIN


United States

Rating: Not Rated

Content warning: Language, mature themes, gun violence

Language: English

*UTAH PREMIERE* The Body Politic is a harbinger of hope in a country plagued by gun violence. Brandon Scott is a young mayor who grew up during Baltimore’s most troubling years and sets out, with unyielding idealism, to change the course of his battered and beloved city. He is elected mayor amid nationwide unrest following the murder of George Floyd. With unfettered access, cameras follow Brandon throughout his first year in office as he introduces an ambitious plan for violence reduction and police reform that he promises will lower the city’s murder rate. 

This film is presented to honor Black History Month and is a collaboration with POV, the award-winning independent non-fiction film series on PBS, and PBS Utah.


Black, Bold & Brilliant

Wed, February 5, 2025 at 7:00 pm

The City Library

Featuring a zoom Q&A moderated by the Black, Bold & Brilliant team with Baltimore Mayor, Brandon Scott, and film protagonist and local activist, Erricka Bridgeford.

ADA accommodations are available. If you have additional needs, please visit our Accessibility page to connect with an ADA coordinator.

Presented with English captions