What started as a few individuals screening films at Library Square under the name Salt Lake City Film Center & Artist Collaborative has transformed over the past 20+ years into Utah Film Center — a full-fledged, film-centered cultural organization with a statewide reach, focused on film exhibition, media arts education, and artist support.

DAMN THESE HEELS LGBTQ FILM FESTIVAL launches with a handful of films in celebration of Pride month.
FISCAL SPONSORSHIP program is established to make independent filmmaking accessible. This program has helped hundreds of filmmakers since, including the award-winning films: Won’t You Be My Neighbor, In Football We Trust, Allen V. Farrow, and Citizen Ashe

TUMBLEWEEDS FILM FESTIVAL FOR KIDS launches, focusing on encouraging young film lovers’ curiosity about the world.
MEDIA ARTS EDUCATION launches, focusing on offering fine arts/media arts education in the classroom for K-12 Utah teachers and students.


AVREC Arthouse, a collaborative co-working space and resource for Utah-based filmmakers becomes part of the Film Center and is rebranded as ARTIST FOUNDRY.
UTAH FILM CENTER celebrates 20 years of being a cornerstone of cultural programming in Utah.

2023 & Beyond
We look forward to securing a building that reflects our creativity and community-focused interest in filmmaking as a fine art.