
Support Us

By becoming a member you are providing vital support for independent voices and helping to keep film free and accessible to communities throughout Utah.

We invite you to become part of our film-loving family and to take advantage of our events and offerings by becoming a Utah Film Center member or donor.

There are two ways to financially support Utah Film Center and our programs:

1. Membership
Join the Utah Film Center family! A gift of $60 a year ($5 a month) or more gets you a Utah Film Center membership.

Members receive invitations to screening receptions (as available), pre-seating to select screenings, and our monthly program guide mailed directly to you.

2. Annual Giving
We appreciate your gift of any amount! It is only with your help that we can continue to bring film and media education to our community.

A gift of $250 a year or more earns you a spot on our current sponsor recognition page, invitations to exclusive events, and all benefits of memberships listed above.

If you have questions about membership or annual giving, or you would like more information about sponsoring a specific screening series or event, please contact our Development Team at 801-746-7000.

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