In this uplifting film from South Africa, 14-year-old Felix Xaba must overcome obstacles at home and school in order to fulfill his dreams. Felix is a talented pennywhistle player who wants to be a jazz saxophonist like his late father, but his mother forbids it, worried it will lead Felix down the wrong path. The right path emerges when Felix is accepted on scholarship to an elite private school. However, because bullies begin picking on him, school is difficult for Felix. Felix sees the school’s jazz concert as his opportunity to prove himself. Since the school isn’t looking for a pennywhistle player, but a saxophonist, Felix enlists new friends and his father’s old bandmates, and sets out on a quest to learn how to play the saxophone and let his musical talents shine. Filled with wit and hope, this inspiring film will have you cheering for Felix as he pursues his dreams.