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Utah Film Center at Utah Arts Festival

Come see Utah Film Center in the Art Yard at Utah Arts Festival June 23-25! We’re hosting stop motion animation and a make-your-own phenakistoscope animation toy all weekend. Information for Utah Arts Festival can be found at https://uaf.org

Check out our Summer Outdoor Film Series and Through the Lens screenings for June-August here: ttps://utahfilmcenter.org/upcoming/

And make sure to put the 2024 Tumbleweeds Film Festival for Kids on your calendar for April 19-20, 2024. You can learn about the festival at https://tumbleweedskids.org

If you stopped by the booth and want to try making a phenakistoscope at home, here are the templates.

Share your creations on social media with us by tagging them with #UtahFilmCenter and #utahartsfestival

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