Meet Jarom Neumann
Utah Film Center is excited to announce that artist and animator Jarom Neumann will be returning to our media education department to host virtual Behind the Animation presentations! For those

Instructor Highlight: Stephen Anderson
Utah Film Center’s Behind the Animation presentation brings students a dynamic look at the steps necessary to make an animated film to deepen their appreciation and involvement in the story.

REEL LIFE – Call for Submissions
The COVID-19 shutdown has caused us to see and experience the world differently. We want to see what you are finding life to be like during this time. You have

Utah Film Center Launches ‘Tumbleweeds On Demand’
Utah Film Center Launches ‘Tumbleweeds On Demand’ Independent & International Films for Young Audiences Available Online At TumbleweedsFilmFestival.org Salt Lake City, UT – Utah Film Center announced today the launch

Education Resources for Teachers: Soft Closure Edition
Welcome to our list of resources to help you teach from a distance. Check for occasional updates! PBS NEWS HOUR: STUDENT REPORTING LABS Lesson plans from the pros at PBS

EDUGram: August 2019 Issue
The Choice Is Ours “I’ll admit it: I am a shameless sucker for wildlife shows. I devour Planet Earth, Blue Planet, Human Planet – you name it. If it has